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Ofertas de empleo | 18 enero, 2025

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Ofertas empleo Community Manager: Se busca profesional freelance para gestionar redes sociales

Las Redes Sociales y el Marketing Online están generando numerosas ofertas de empleo, como es el caso de esta con la que inauguramos nuestro blog de ofertas trabajo: Se busca Community Manager freelance para llevar la presencia online de un sello discográfico. Se trata de una nueva firma musical que cuenta con un equipo pequeño pero en expansión, por lo que esta propuesta laboral tiene un aliciente añadido: la posibilidad de colaborar estrechamente con una compañía con ganas e ilusión y de integrarse en un equipo joven y nuevo. Eso conlleva, además, posibilidades de desarrollo de carrera profesional con este sello discográfico.

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Eso sí. Se exigen conocimientos de inglés. De hecho, en la oferta de empleo se dice que es ‘imprescindible saber inglés’. Por supuesto, como es obvio en ofertas trabajo de este tipo, conocimientos ‘medios’ de social media. Así pues, todos aquellos profesionales de la comunicación, los medios e Internet pueden encontrar aquí una excelente oportunidad de ampliar horizontes laborales y encontrar trabajo.

Por si os interesa conocer más acerca de esta oportunidad, os dejo toda la información. Está en inglés, así podéis ir practicando la lengua de Shakespeare para responder al 100% al perfil profesional que buscan en este nuevo sello discográfico.

Community Manager for Record Label 

We’re a new record label part of the next generation of the digital music industry rooted into innovation. We dream, and then we do. We’re a small team, but we think big – we want to make the innovations that will move our industry forward in new and exciting directions.

A Community Manager Responsibilities may include:

1. Content creation – writing blog posts, articles, newsletters, communications materials, and material for social media channels
2. Social media marketing – creating, managing and growing the company’s presence through blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and other strategically relevant online properties
3. Customer relations – Responsible for customer support – answering questions however they come in (e-mail, Twitter, Facebook) and managing any online feedback forums such as GetSatisfaction pages
4. Communications/marketing strategy – the Community Manager is responsible for creating strategic marketing/communications plans to provide direction for the company’s public-facing communications
5. Analytics – Using Google Analytics and other measurement tools to provide reports on metrics, and continually find ways to improve on those metrics through testing and new initiatives

The ideal candidate for this position:

1. Outgoing personality – It will be required to walk into networking events and be comfortable introducing yourselve to strangers
2. Writing skills – a background in journalism or experience with writing helps since you’ll be creating so much content for the company
3. Social media experience – experience with social media tools is a must. We are Looking for someone who understands Twitter and Facebook for business.
4. Interest in your industry – Our Community Manager needs to be passionate about what he/she do. If you’re not interested in Electronic Music move on.
5. Willingness to work around the clock – being a Community Manager isn’t a 9-5 job. Make sure you understand that the job involves working some evenings and weekends, and responding to community members outside of work hours
6. Good employee – Great time management skills, ability to multitask, intelligence – They’re especially important skills for a Community Manager since you’re managing so many different areas of the business. We are Looking for someone smart who doesn’t get stressed under pressure :)
7. Language – be fluent in English is essential
8. PR experience – having experience with public relations is a nice to have
9. Culture fit – You need to get along with our other employees and needs to mesh with the company’s culture
10. Education – Intelligence, personality and overall fit before looking at a degree.
11. Freelancer — What matters is: if you can do great work, then you’ll fit in here.

This is a something for a freelance that works at home, not a full time job at the office.

Sounds like a great opportunity?

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